Sunday, July 11, 2010

The good and the bad and the potentially ugly

Today I met Shaina at a local state park to do a trail run. We decided to run for an hour, since we both already did our long runs this weekend. Shaina, by the way, is a bad-ass because she did a 64-mile bike ride yesterday and a swimming class this morning, and she still had it in her to run for an hour.

The good:
  • It was nice and shady on the trail, so even though we were running at 11am we weren't dying from the heat tooooo much.
  • The trail had lots of steep hills, all the better to increase my strength and make running in flat world feel a lot easier.
  • My legs felt really great. I would not have expected that after running 12 miles yesterday, but I didn't experience any leg soreness today.
The bad:

  • I tripped and fell on the trail, not once but twice! How embarrassing. Fortunately I don't think I injured myself. My left arm is a little sore and I have some soreness in my left foot, as well, but I should be okay.
The potentially ugly:

  • Pretty sure I'm going to have one heck of a bruise on my left shin. I bruise easily as it is and I think I really walloped that poor shin when I fell.

So overall, the good far outweighs the bad and the ugly. As always, it is a delight to run with Shaina and I'm pleased that we're challenging ourselves by doing hilly runs to make ourselves stronger.

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